Pregnancy cramps – What are they?

Pregnancy cramps

by ElvisHuang under CC BY-SA


Most women experience early sign of pregnancy cramping. We will here explain what cramps in pregnancy are and the major causes of this symptom.

Pregnancy is a time in a woman’s life when some really drastic changes occur within her body and personality, as well.

The expectant mom adjusts to her life by changing mentally and emotionally to cope with the physical changes ahead. Many women experience pregnancy cramps and nausea within their first trimesters while others do not experience them at all, which makes this process different and variable for individuals.

Women also respond differently to the signs and symptoms of hormonal actions.

This cramp is a term that essentially describes a slight pain and ache in the abdominal wall, in females. Some women may experience slight changes within the cramping pattern while others experience a severe to moderate effect, but it all depends on the physiological demands of the body and how active and essentially fit a pregnant female is. The cramps could be a sign of normal pregnancy symptoms such as gas or a miscarriage.

Cramps can periodically occur at the beginning of the pregnancy to the middle of it, but one should keep track as they could signify some other problems, especially if they are combined with signs like nausea, fever with chills and consistent spotting with a heavy discharge.

If the cramps become intense with heavy vaginal bleeding, it could signify a miscarriage and pregnancy could go the wrong way; whatever the case is, during pregnancy a physician consultation should be taken into consideration. Cramps during this period of time should be monitored.

Early signs of this condition are sometimes due to the developing embryo after fertilization implanting itself within the inner lining of the uterus. It is a natural development, and you should not worry about it at all.

During the middle trimesters, stomach cramps could occur as a result of the uterus changing its size to accommodate the baby and make room for it to grow. The ligaments and associated tissue stretch and often create a tension resulting in cramping.

The hormonal actions of estrogen and progesterone can also cramps during pregnancy because they slow down the blood circulation causing the stomach to bloat and have gas issues.

For pregnancy cramps, you do not have to take any specific medications, but you should consult your doctor about what you consume. Treatments to relieve pregnancy symptoms and provide you with comfort from this cramps will be recommended to produce positive pregnancy outcomes.

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